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Frequently Asked Questions

Category: Insurance

We would prefer you are referred by another physician, but it is not required.

Category: Insurance

This will depend on your insurance plan. Typically, most insurance companies cover pain management visits and procedures.

Category: New Patients

Have your physician send us a referral along with your records, or contact our office directly.

Category: Insurance

Have your physician send us a referral along with your records, or contact our office directly.

Category: Pain Management

Acute pain happens when you have a new injury, such as a broken bone. Acute pain goes away after your body heals from the injury that caused the pain. Chronic pain lasts for over 3 months. The pain can be there all the time, or it may come and go.

Category: Insurance

After your appointment, we will bill your insurance. Depending on your plan, you will be responsible for copay, deductible, or coinsurance. Copays are due at the time of service. Self-pay patients, please contact our office for current prices.

Category: New Patients

Appointments are determined by your physician and can range from every 1-3 months.

Category: Pain Management

There is minimal discomfort with injections. A small ice pack may help relieve discomfort at the needle insertion site for the first 24 hours. OTC medication or regularly scheduled pain medication may also be taken.

Category: Pain Management

Procedures are performed under sterile conditions. There is a low risk with procedures. Any signs of infection should be reported, as well as severe back pain not relieved with medications and ice or any prolonged, new numbness or weakness.

Category: New Patients

During your new patient consultation, you will be interviewed about your medical history and a pain assessment will be completed. Dr. Lovett will also review any diagnostic tests or imaging you have had performed and do a physical exam to incorporate a treatment plan that is tailored to you.


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